Report on Car Crashes in USA in 2019
Nearly 1.25 million people are killed globally in car crashes each year. An additional 20–50 million are injured or disabled. Automotive crashes rank as the 9th leading cause of death and account for 2.2% of all deaths globally.
Road traffic injuries are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15–44. On average, nearly 2 million drivers are permanently disabled every year.
Every year, there are approximately 6 million car accidents in the US alone. On average 37,000 People in America die in automobile crashes per year. Road crashes are the single greatest annual cause of death of healthy U.S. citizens traveling.
According to Road Safety Facts data, 29 people die every day in automotive crashes caused by drunk drivers. Nearly 1.6 million car crashes were caused by cell phone use while driving. So 1 out of every 4 motor vehicle accidents is caused by texting and driving. The most common causes of accidents resulting in death are drunk driving (40%), speeding (30%), and irresponsible driving (33%).
1 in 7 people don’t wear their seat belt while driving. About 53% of fatal car accidents involve only one vehicle, and 47% are caused by a traffic collision. Most car accidents happen on the weekends.
In USA deaths due to accident is among the top 5. Every year on average 2,854,838 people die in USA. There are mainly three reasons of deaths. First one is death due to diseases, second is death due to road accidents and third one is suicide. Heart diseases and Cancer are the top reasons of death every year. Accidents is at third number in this list. Almost 170,000 people die because of accidents that is a big portion in the death number. Out of total deaths due to accidents 37,000 people on average dies only due to car accidents. In Texas and California most car deaths in 2019 occurs. The below chart shows number of deaths in each state of USA that occurred in 2019.
The link of deaths is directly proportional to the fatal crashes. The more number of crashes the more death ratio. In Texas California and Florida the fatal crashes ratio is higher than any state that’s why the death ratio is also higher.
The below map shows the death occurred due to road accidents. The color intensity of each state represents the number of deaths due to accidents. The Texas, Florida, and California have more number of deaths due to accidents. Dakota, Idaho, and Nebraska etc. have least deaths due to car accidents.
In United States of America more car accidents 55% happens in urban areas. While 45% car accidents occurs in rural areas. There are many reasons that causes maximum number of accidents in urban areas. The population is congested in urban areas as compared to rural areas, number of cars and other vehicles is higher in urban areas than rural. Markets, schools, hospitals etc. are also factors that affect the accidents ratio in urban areas.
There are many reasons that causes the death of driver. Among different reasons alcohol involvement is one of the main reason that causes the drivers death in USA. Every year almost 17,000 drivers are killed in road accidents that involve alcohol. California, Texas, Florida are the states that have maximum number of driver’s death due to alcohol involvement.
The chart ‘Deaths Cause by Car Occupants in US 2019’ shows the ratio of total deaths and death occurred in car through road accidents. The graph shows that more than 30% deaths that occur on roads belong to only car occupants that is a very huge number of deaths. There are many factors that causes the car occupants death.
As mentioned before main reason be the involvement of alcohol. Drivers not using the seatbelt, feeling dizziness, distracting driver, over speeding, drivers not following the traffic lights etc. are the causes of more deaths of car occupants. A major factor could be not using the bulletproof cars. As in most accidents the driver is thrown out at front mirror during accident and causes severe injury or death. The ratio of deaths in the car occupants can be reduced by using bulletproof cars.
As statistics shows that on average 37000 people dies every year in America from road accidents. There are multiple reasons of the accidents that happens on the roads and the death that happens as a result of the crashes of vehicles. The most deaths causes due to fix position of the person. Hitting pedestrian, colliding with other vehicles at angles, head on collision etc. are different types of crashes that causes the death of people.
The fatal crashes are the crashes that leads to cause the death of the people through vehicle crashes.
The injury crashes chart shows only that type of crashes that causes only minor or major injury and lead to death of people. There are millions of crashes and collisions that happens every year in USA. The bulletproof vehicles can help the community to avoid at least the death in the crashes of vehicles.
The non-fatal injuries are type of minor or major crashes that does not lead to death of the person. The bulletproof system in the vehicles can reduces the number of non-fatal injuries and can save permanent disability of millions of peoples.
Millions of people dies every year globally due to diseases, accidents and suicides. Road accidents is one of the major cause of permanent injuries and death. People are trying to use different types of technologies to reduce number of deaths and fatal injuries due to accidents. Bulletproofing is one of the most advanced and modern technology that saves millions of lives.